Broadband Accessibility & Digital Resources

Access to the Internet begins with a reliable, affordable broadband connection — but it also includes equipment essential to allowing disadvantaged communities to put that connection to use, as well as the skills and knowledge to navigate the digital world safely and effectively.

ALLvanza is committed to advocating for smart policies that are sensitive to the obstacles underserved communities face. Unless we make sure that individuals have the hardware they need, as well as the technological savvy to engage comfortably with online tools, underserved communities will be left on the wrong side of the digital divide. Latinos, for example, have the highest rates of Internet access through phones, but these devices are not ideal for completing homework, job applications, work assignments and other activities.

All Americans need to be empowered to integrate technology into their daily lives with confidence. That means not just having the technical skills to operate a particular device, but a sense of how to protect one’s identity online, avoid scams, understand privacy policies, and ensure children are learning to use digital tools safely and responsibly.

ALLvanza advocates for regulatory policies that promote equitable deployment of broadband to all communities, rural and urban alike. We work directly with congressional leaders and other policymakers to emphasize the vital role of education and training in incorporating broadband into our daily lives. ALLvanza is committed to ensuring that every American has a voice and that all communities are represented in key policy discussions and decisions.