Slide Women and Innovation READ MORE Slide AI Must Be Developed Responsibly
Slide IP Protections Advance Latinos in Tech READ MORE Slide Unleashing Innovation: The Power of Online Programs in STEM Education READ MORE


We Are



The mission of ALLvanza is the advancement of the Latino and other underserved communities through education, advocacy and other tangible actions to ensure success in our innovation – and technology-driven world.

Who We Are

We believe everyone living in the United States of America should benefit from the rapid advancements we have seen in innovation industries. That means ensuring that all people have safe, meaningful, affordable, and reliable access to broadband Internet and the digital resources that bring it to life. It also means supporting Latinos and others building careers in the innovation industry, at every stage of their career, and keeping the lived experiences of marginalized communities front and center in our understanding of the impacts of new policies and innovation.

We understand that advances in technology are not limited to the “tech industry.” Innovations and advancements are transforming a wide swath of the world economy, from media, entertainment to pharmaceuticals and communications and our approach to technology is as broad as its impact on our lives. We go beyond simply establishing a position on technology developments and associated policies; instead we advocate at the speed of innovation by maintaining a thought leadership role inside the innovation industry itself, focused on advocating for critical policy changes and helping stakeholders integrate values of equity and inclusion into their work.

We also work directly with Latinos and other underserved communities to ensure that they are able to take full advantage of the opportunities that technological innovation has to offer—and they are prepared for the risks and challenges that innovation can present. We provide up to date information and analysis to inform members of underserved communities about new policies and developments and how they will impact their daily lives and futures.

We look ahead to anticipate how emerging technological and policy developments will impact underserved communities, and we proactively engage stakeholders and community leaders to find solutions to challenges before they arise.

Fundamentally, we understand that the challenges faced by the Latino community and other underserved communities are more than just “issues” to be addressed; they are opportunities to build a stronger and healthier country for everyone.

Policy Priorities

  • Advocating for affordable, accessible and reliable broadband Internet and associated technology, which is fully integrated into daily life
  • Informing the continued evolution of comprehensive online privacy protections for all
  • Growing STEM education and supporting STEM students among underserved communities
  • Promoting the understanding and adoption of cutting-edge technology including digital health and more
  • Strengthening intellectual property protections
  • Advocating for diversity in the media and innovation-focused industries
  • Advocating to ensure that the policies governing media and innovation-focused industries prioritize equity and access for Latino and other underserved communities

ALLvanza’s Approach


ALLvanza relentlessly seeks out information about the policies, advances and news shaping the world of technology, telecommunications and innovation.


ALLvanza brings deep expertise to analyzing the impact of new developments and emerging policies on Latino and other underserved communities throughout the United States.


Working with allies focused on a broad array of topics, ALLvanza turns in-depth understanding of new polices and developments into meaningful action, shaping policy and connecting stakeholders to transform the innovation landscape for the communities we serve.

Follow @ALLvanza

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Contact Us

1001 Pennsylvania Ave. NW
Suite 7111
Washington, D.C. 20004